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    If you do send any money, please  send  cash,  either rands or US$'s.
    Make sure you  use  a  dark  envelope  so  the  cash  cannot be seen.
    Please don't send coins  in  the  post.   If  you  can't get US$'s or
    rands, you are welcome to send me whatever currency you are using.

    Remember, this software  is  free,  you  don't have to pay for it.  I
    would really appreciate a  postcard  if  you use this software, money
    is not so important.  I  won't  nag  you  about money, I just want to
    know if my software is used.

    I suppose there could  be  even  more  features  for  me to add but I
    don't know if anyone is going to  use  this.   If there is sufficient
    response for any of my products I'll improve that product.

    Please see DETAILS.DOC for my address and Internet EMail address.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson